
5 min readJul 30, 2021


We are living in very trying times. Some may call them the End Times. To others such a statement is taboo, shouldn’t ever be uttered.

According to the Scriptures, we are living in the last days. I know most people don’t even want to entertain the thought. But for a moment let’s assume you believe that we are living in the End Times. Allow me to indulge you.

Jesus tells us a lot about what the end times would look like. Pestilences here and there, wars, famine etc. I am not suggesting that the current state of things is directly linked to the closing of this earth chapter. Nope, far from that. I am suggesting that we now have an opportunity to adjust and brace ourselves. If these are the End Times, then we know that the circumstances are not going to get any better.

Consider a scenario where everything gets worse gradually. Everyone has their own opinion and spin-off of this pandemic. My view may sound off but it all depends on where you stand. To the hopeless, it’s all doom and gloom but to the believing, this is yet another opportunity to shine as stars. We are told that when the storms hit hard only the man who built on the rock sleeps calmly.

Back to it again, say we experience more pestilences, let alone this one, several come all bashing us. Let them have the highest mortality rate ever witnessed. And maybe even there be no hope for a vaccine. I know to some this is a far fetched dream but is it really?

Say there’s a virus out there that you can do nothing to protect yourself against. Let it be airborne, and cannot be guarded against with face masks, maintaining hygiene, sanitizing surfaces you touch etc. You get the idea. What will you do then as a believer?

This is the place I got to last year where it dawned on me that I can’t keep running away from who I am in Christ.

I have not always been a believer in healing and health through Jesus but this pandemic has changed my mind. I can’t keep such irresponsible views. To me, that was God’s reserve that was accessed at His own will by whomever He chose and saw fit. But if you really think about it, that is absolutely not true. The Truth is quite simple. For us who believe in Jesus, we are immune to all the wiles of the devil and we are sealed against his invasion in our bodies. I know most Christians consider it offensive to suggest that we can walk in health but that won’t change the Truth.

When Jesus came to earth and hang on the cross, He knew full well about these last days, He knew exactly how tough the times would get. He knew we would need supernatural intervention to stay afloat despite the waves. He knew we would need His Power in us and that would be our only hope. This is the reason we are told that the righteous live by Faith.

Right now we are dependent on medicinal interventions, what if we get to a point where they cannot do anything to save us? That day is coming. What defence will you have against disease? Will we be crushed as the sky comes crashing down?

We have spent a lot of time in the world and have convinced ourselves that we are no different from the unbelieving. This is a rotten lie from hell. However, if you tell a lie enough times it becomes true.

We need to take time to develop our Faith right now, though we’re a bit late, let’s prepare for the next pestilence. If we would be strong in Faith ahead of the coming ones, we would have a line of defence against them.

We need to depend on Jesus alone. Hope in Him doesn’t disappoint.

I think we’re exposing ourselves too much to the enemy, our backs have been left bare before him. We’re giving him an easy shot at us. We’re too vulnerable and that’s our fault because we have the power to walk in victory, we can stand strong and conquer and yet won’t be brave enough to take the health that belongs to us. It is surprisingly easy for the enemy to silence us, all he needs is a few more viruses. However, there’s something we can do.

This is a step I have personally taken. I cannot say that the doctors and scientists will always have my back. I cannot expect them to always have an answer for everything that comes against the citizens of earth. But I have a way to make myself bulletproof just as my Lord and the Apostles lived; in the world but not of it. Pressed but not crushed. Walking in health every single moment of their days. To access this power, one must believe that this provision is for them.

Before the scientists said that we should wear masks, I was already immune. I knew that I wasn’t a candidate for diseases. I believed the Word when it said no evil shall come near me because I am righteous and I live by Faith. The world will never have an answer for spiritual things, it will never give me solutions or hope hence it is much safer tackling these situations like a believer. How long did it take the scientists to develop a vaccine? All that while I was already immune to the virus.

My body has no space for viruses. The doctors can keep experimenting all they want but in the meantime, I am already safe in Jesus’ blood. This is the responsible thing to do. If you are going to a war where you don’t know what’s in your enemy’s artillery then you better be at least bulletproof.

I believe the best defence I have if I don’t wanna infect others is to make myself impenetrable to diseases. I care for my parents, neighbours and friends so I won’t let my body be a vessel of ferrying death. My body is not a harbour for diseases. If every Christian accessed this privilege they have in Jesus, what a world we’d live in. We would be a beacon of hope to the world.

Some brand of pestilence will come that is notoriously deadly, unlike this current one. And at that time I won’t be caught unawares, I have time right now to prepare in advance.

The Blood of Jesus has made me bulletproof, but do I believe it, can I access this power? That’s the challenge I gave myself. So far I am walking in health and I intend to keep living by Faith. In Jesus I have Assured Protection, not statistically like what science provides when it can. This is incomparable to anything physical. Science will tell you, do this and that and you’ll will probably be okay according to the data we have analysed so far, Jesus on the other hand says, no evil shall come nigh thee and the diseases of Egypt will Never come upon you. Sure Protection.

I know this is a bit uncomfortable for some but for me, it’s been working. And it will keep working because the Word says so. If this feels far fetched, reckless and crazy, I can promise you, your approach isn’t Jesus like and your mind needs to be renewed to be more like our Lord’s. You need to think like a believer.

